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A commercial HVAC system can account for up to 50% of a building’s energy output, and that number only increases during the peak energy periods throughout the year. Maintenance and repair costs for HVAC systems also account for a large portion of a commercial or industrial building’s costs. While we need our workplaces to maintain a comfortable temperature and good air quality, there are steps that we can take to optimise a HVAC system and ensure that it is running as energy efficiently and as cost effectively as possible.

At Air-rite Solutions, we understand how best to optimise HVAC systems to reduce the power bill and increase the lifespan of your system. To learn more about this topic, we recommend you also read our article on 10 ways regular HVAC maintenance can improve energy efficiency. But for now, here are some smart choices that you can make in order to optimise your commercial HVAC system.

HVAC System Optimisation

While it can be tempting to simply upgrade to a newer, more energy efficient HVAC system, the reality is that there are several ways that you can optimise your existing system. Factors such as air temperature, humidity, and air flow can all be measured and altered to improve your system’s overall energy output.

Some of the practises that you should consider when optimising your commercial air conditioning system include:

  • Changing around the control algorithms and schedules to best suit the workflow of your building
  • Adjusting thermostat set points to a manageable temperature that won’t exhaust your system
  • Organising regular maintenance checks to increase overall efficiency
  • Organising any repairs as soon as an issue has been identified in a maintenance check
  • Performing a night purge of the cool night air using natural ventilation

All of these small practises will have a big long-term effect on the longevity and performance of your existing HVAC system.

Upgrading Your HVAC System

If your HVAC system is too far beyond optimisation, then it is probably time to upgrade. HVAC systems have come a long way in the last few years to be more energy efficient. Your overall performance will see the most improvement if you upgrade all three subsystems:

  •  plant equipment
  • delivery system
  • emission system

Talking to licensed HVAC designers such as the team at Air-rite Solutions will also help you make an informed decision about installing a new system that will increase the efficiency of your building’s energy output. You may want to choose a system that uses passive heat transfer or low airflow rates to cut your HVAC energy usage. It’s also recommended that you upgrade to a reverse-cycle model if you are still using a minimum standard model, as the former is 30-40% more energy efficient than the latter.

HVAC System Innovations

While it may not be possible for some buildings, the electrification of HVAC systems can result in significant energy savings and the reduction of emission output. These savings can be further increased if paired with a renewable energy generation source located onsite.

You can also try implementing active solar thermal systems that capture solar radiation by heating up and collecting fluid in a container. This heat is then transferred directly or indirectly. Active solar thermal systems don’t require any energy infrastructure, saving you energy output and reducing peak demand.

Get in Touch

Air-rite Solutions design, supply, install, maintain and repair commercial and industrial HVAC systems throughout South East Queensland. If you have any more questions about how you can optimise or upgrade your commercial building’s current system, then call the HVAC experts on 07 3274 2199.